La storia



Wreck information

Type of ship:tanker

Date of construction:1899

Registration number:1325

Date of sinking:2 Agosto 1943

Cause of the sinking: hit by a magnetic mine

Size of wreck: approx. 10 x 15 metre

Tonnage: Location: the Gulf of Cagliari

Dive information:

Position: the wreck rests on the seabed in a south-east/north-west axis

Seabed: sandy

Difficulty: Medium

Depth:42 metres

Current: dependant on the weather conditions, generally present when the wind is northerly.

Visibility: excellent in the summer, variable in the winter and spring.

Maximum summer temperature:18°C

Minimum winter temperature: 13 °C

Of particular interest:

the large propeller, the rudder, the opportunities for underwater photography in the area of the stern. From the citadel, you can see the visit the galley and a bath tub. The bow of the ship was separated from the stern by the original explosion and can be visited during the ‘bow of the Romagna’ dive.

Flora and fauna

Brown grouper (Epinephelus marginatus); Sea Bream (Diplodus sspp.)


The wreck is marked with two buoys and two guide ropes, one at each end, which makes both the anchoring and the descent more straightforward.

On reaching the deck at a depth of approx. 35 metres, it is important to establish the most appropriate direction to take, based on currents and conditions. When no current is present, the best place to start is near the twisted sheet metal of the bow where we can find impressively large dusky groupers (Epinephelus marginatus) before moving along the high bulwarks to reach the stern. When there is a current, it is important to begin the dive swimming into the current, ideally using the bulwarks as shelter. If following the route from bow to stern it is possible to see thousands of On the Nel tragitto prua-poppa si possono osservare le migliaia di brittle stars which carpet the sandy bed and large sea bream. Stopping at the stern you can see the huge propeller and rudder before climbing 4 or 5 metres to the ship citadel. The dive continues towards the deck where you can look inside the ship and see a bath-tub, and possibly look inside the hold itself. It’s time to return to the guide rope and begin our ascent: we have been diving for  12-13 minutes and our time is up: the computer tells us to go.

Arrivederci Romagna !


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