Dive  Information:

Position: in open water approximately 50 metres east of the ‘isola del cavoli’

Seabed: sandy with granite rock formations

Difficulty: medium

Depth: max 38 metres

Current:possible after strong northerlies,sometimes strong on the surface

Visability:excellent in the summer, variable in spring and


Maximum summer temperature: 16°C

Minimum winter temperature: 13°C

.of particular interest: rock walls at 6m depth completely colonised by paramuricea coral

Excellent opportunities for underwater photography

Flora and Fauna:

Small lobster, spiny lobster, sea squirts, moss animals and sea cucumbers.


The dive begins near the “roman ship’ rock formation. Keeping the rock face on your right and reaching a depth of 25metres you come across a large, leaning, monolithic mass lying in the sand. From this point you swim towards the open sea over a sandy seabed on which you can see extended colonies of red sea fan coral, Eunicella In the zones that receive more sunlight you will also see the unmistakable green seaweed, Halimeda and numerous sea peaches (Halocynthia papillosa) typical of coral beds. After a few dozen metres you will find a large, slanting rock-face covered in   Paramuricea coral. You descend to the seabed to illuminate the ravines in the sand; the dive circles the mass in a clockwise direction passing through a narrow passage and the back wall. The dive climbs over a wide sandy and between a number of granite rock formations, many of which have passageways and grottoes that make this part of the dive particularly pleasant. At the end of the dive, you arrive at the ‘roman ship’, a large granite rock formation where you spend approximately five minutes observing the flora as part of your curve of ascent.



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